Книга включает в себя 12 замечательных сказок Редьярда Киплинга.
How the Whale Got His Throat / Как Кит получил свою глотку
How the Camel Got His Hump / Как Верблюд получил свой горб
How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin / Как Носорог получил свою шкуру
Laxdaela is an Icelandic saga. It takes place in the years 850-1100. Its scene of action is mainly Iceland with a quickstop in Norway, Ireland and other European countries.
What makes Laxdaela saga different from other Icelandic sagas is that a woman ...
1956 г.; Изд-во: New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation
Приведены данные о химических веществах и продуктах химической промышленности, используемых в производстве и исследованиях, а также к термины, используемые в химии и перерабатывающей промышленности.
This major new dictionary has been specially developed to help students and teachers of English. It is based on a detailed analysis of how today's English is really used. At the University of Birmingham an editorial team has worked for seven years usin...
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Tenth edition. More than 215,000 clear and concise definitions. Authoritative spellings and pronunciation (including variants), where it iriginated, and how long it's been used in writing. Unmatched quality.