The author's vision of the mytho-poetic structure of the Art. Grey gives a compelling account of the Sabbat and Wild Hunt, the core of the ritual practice. Dream, lunar and menstrual magic are explored as a path to this knowledge. The wolf, the Devil and the Goddess of witchcraft are then encountered in a context that ultimately reveals the witch to her or himself. An harmonious course is revealed in a sequence of elegant stratagems. The book is threaded with a cycle of hymns to Inanna, pearls on the tapestry of night. Seemingly disparate aspects are joined in a vision which is neither afraid of blessing nor curse. Grey offers a renewed sense of meaning for a witchcraft that has seen many of its treasured ideas about itself destroyed. An apocalyptic age demands an Apocalyptic Witchcraft, and this is a book is offered up to revolutionise the body of the craft, a way out of the dark impasse. Apocalyptic Witchcraft does not seek to impose an orthodoxy. Instead, it suggests a way forward. It span from pre-history, through the witch-panic and it emerges fully fledged into our present moment of crisis. It offers a witchcraft for our time. This is neither a how-to book, nor a history, rather it is a magical vision of the Art in its entirety.
Apocalyptic Witchcraft;
A Manifesto of Apocalyptic Witchcraft;
She is Without;
The Cup, the Cross and the Cave;
A Spell to Awaken England;
The Scaffold of Lightning;
The Children that are Hidden Away;
A Wolf sent Forth to Snatch away a Lamb;
Hic Rhodus,
Hic Salta!
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