Delving into the mysterious realm of of psionic power, the Grandmaster of the Maergzjiran Cabal, Somnus Dreadwood explains the works of psychic magick as would be taught to the Disciple ascending the Tower of the Void. It covers everything from basic meditations to the absolute transformation as an Eye of the Oracle; an individual who has mastered these magnificent and expansive arts. Such topics covered are meditation, remote viewing, telepathy, aura reading, divination and clairvoyance, Voidwalking, psychometabolic augmentation, the use of intention as a weapon, mantras, mundras, kuji-in-like energy channeling, servants of the astral plane, traveling beyond the mortal plane, transcending the flesh, a built-in void journal, and more. As a Cabal Grimoire, it is broken down by book to guide the Disciple from beginning to end as would be taught in the Maergzjiran Cabal's Tower of the Void.
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