The publisher writes:
"This seems a crazy notion, but to me it isn't. In fact to me it makes perfect sense.
Cursing is a highly effective way of directing psychic energy. Let me give you a simple and humorous example. An electrical appliance had been playing up for ages; whatever I did, it would continue to malfunction. Then one day in a fit of anger I yelled at it: ‘Curse you! To hell with you, play up one more time and I shall throw you out!' The next time I operated it, it worked – and has worked perfectly ever since. This is not an isolated example: I have had this experience numerous times.
Of course most people assume that cursing is malicious in intent which is usually the case. But the ancients knew better: they recognized the two-fold nature of cursing. The belief was that anything considered bad can be cursed, so that good may prevail.
Cursing could just as easily be called ‘frustration magick'. This is a terrific idea. When we are frustrated we are storing up negative psychic energy which has nowhere to go. This cannot be good for us. But if we channel our frustration – not to mention our anger – in a purposeful way at a specific target this can work wonders!
For many, trying to work up the necessary psychic energy to perform a spell or ritual is not easy, but with this approach you already have the energy stored and ready to use.
Nothing comes easier than to curse!
Instead of trying to be patient with bad luck, waiting and hoping for it to turn good, with this approach one curses it!
So this book of curses by Audra re-directs frustration, making it work for us instead of against.
It is an exciting thought!
It may seem odd to some, but to the Ancients it was seen as an effective way for getting results.
This book provides ‘positive' curses for almost every contingency.
If you are ready for something different, something that will take you in a new and exciting direction, then you should get ‘CURSE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS'".
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