Chapter 1...4
Knife visualisation to cause damage to an arm...7
Chapter 2...9
Visualisation of a club to damage...10
Visualisation of a club to break the arms and legs...11
Visualisation of a club and a knife to cause damage to another person...13
Chapter 3...14
Visualisation to wrap a person in barbed wire...16
Visualising barbed wire to disfigure your chosen cursed person...17
Chapter 4...19
Visualisation curse using the whip...20
Visualisation curse using the whip to cause damage all over the body ...22
Visualisation curse using a whip and a knife ...23
Chapter 5...24
Practice visualisation with your mace/flail...26
Visualisation curse using the medieval mace/flail...27
Visualisation curse using the medieval mace/flail to attack the head...28
Chapter 6...29
Practice visualisation for the hanging curse...31
Visualisation curse to hang someone...32
Visualisation curse to stop the blood flow to a limb and cause gangrene...34
Chapter 7...34
Visualisation curse using an axe but bloodless...36
Visualisation curse using an axe with lots of blood...37
Visualisation curse using an axe to chop lots...38
Chapter 8...39
Ultimate Black Magick Visualisation Curse ...40
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