Chapter 1
Lucifer's curse of torture and total destruction
Curse for Catubodua to cause an enemy to drop dead
Chapter 2
Curse to use the Incubus and Succubus against someone
The dragon's curse
Chapter 3
Petition to destroy a person totally and completely
An offering on the altar of Catubodua to curse someone
Lucifer's altar and the bloodletting curse
Chapter 4
Curse to take a person's soul
Curse to remove a particular trait or essence from a person
Chapter 5
Voodoo-Satanic doll curse
Voodoo-Satanic bone breaker doll curse
Chapter 6
Very simple yet very effective container curse
The "Take away" and "Burn away" container curses
Curse to put many bad things into a person's life
Chapter 7
Rope curse to make someone sleep all day
Rope curse to take away someone's good luck and money
Chapter 8
The curse of a thousand internal cuts using the unholy trinity
The stealing curse using the unholy trinity
The curse to remove all which makes a life worth living using the unholy trinity
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