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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Cagliastro, Sorceress: 29 DEADLY Sigils to Harm, Gain Control or Disarm: Developed with THE BOY, a Daemon from the Hockomock Swamp


Cagliastro, Sorceress

29 DEADLY Sigils to Harm, Gain Control or Disarm: Developed with THE BOY, a Daemon from the Hockomock Swamp

Издательство: IRON RING, The
Переплет: мягкий; 170 страниц; 2016 г.
ISBN: 978-0-692-61676-5; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 25.09.2018


Who then is THE BOY? He told me this.... There was a woman there at the edges of the Hockomock Swamp, her year feels like 1749…the woman who lived alongside - and stepped into the swamp many times, living nearby off the land. People came and went and took their way with her and she bore many children. THE BOY tells me that sixteen and one half (?) children were born to her… They were products of her anguish and she treated them poorly. Many died – others were put to death – and she eventually joined them. All of their bodies rotted into the swamp…. THE BOY is a Daemon…and he gave these sigils to me....
To Invite the Action of Death into Someone's Home CLOSING COMMENTS This book is brutal, these sigils are brutal, THE BOY is brutal and I am brutal when intentionally crossed. Let this be a clear warning to those who mistake kindness for weakness. THE BOY is a Daemon, and a Daemon without a conscience. He doesn't care if you destroy your stalker, cause eternal pain for someone who stole from you, put someone into an unforgiving loop of sorrow when they posed as a friend and became a poacher of ideas and favors….and neither do I. This is not a PC tome. I have a list of individuals, just as you do, who have crossed the line of trust with intent and malice – go ahead – admit it to yourself. You may have better access to that list after you use the first Sigil, 29DS – I. I don't care if your world is polluted with fools who use you like a paper towel and toss you away – however YOU SHOULD CONSIDER CARING about that. This book will assist you in these considerations....

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