Подарочная книга - полное собрание историй и иллюстраций знаменитой Беатрикс Поттер. Иллюстрации потрясающие. Будет интересна как детям, так и иллюстраторам детских книг.
This complete and unabridged collection contains all 23 of Beatrix Potter's Tales in one deluxe volume with all their original illustrations. The stories are arranged in the order in which they were first published to enable them to be read in proper sequence, as several are linked together by events and characters. A section at the end of the book contains four additional works by Beatrix Potter that were not published in her own lifetime.
Дополнительно: Самовывоз, коли удобно, от м. Ломоносовский проспект.
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