The original concept & history of vril
The rise of the "vril society"
The "new age" of vril
Vril defined: what is vril
The various types of vril
How to choose the right item to draw vril from (depending on your purpose)
The nature of vril
Where can vril be found
Lesser known sources of vril
How can vril be extracted from an item
How can vril be used
Employing vril using the power of visualization
How can vril be stored
How to make a "vril wand"
How to use the vril wand
Tapping into powerful "collective" vril reserves
Using the power of vril to become wealthy
Using the power of vril to appear younger
Becoming more powerful with vril
Sex appeal from vril energy
The healing powers of vril
Using vril to create and bring forth your soul mate
Materializing objects out of thin air by the power of vril
Using vril to return a lost lover to you
Using vril to accomplish anything you wish to desire
Wearing a "vril object" as a talisman for constant, unlimited "vril power"
The "vril network"
The destructive powers of vril: a warning
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