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Bodycombe, David J.: The Riddles of the Sphinx


Bodycombe, David J.

The Riddles of the Sphinx

Издательство: London: Penguin Books
Переплет: ламинированный мягкий; 608 страниц; 2007 г.
ISBN: 978-0-14-311275-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 26.09.2016


David J. Bodycombe (born 1973) is a puzzle author and games consultant. In the UK, over two million people a day read his puzzles, and internationally his work is syndicated to over 300 newspapers. The British public know him best as the author of the popular puzzle columns in publications such as the Big Issue, the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and Metro. He also consults on many television game shows, including hits such as The Crystal Maze, Codex, The Mole and Treasure Hunt. On BBC Radio 4 he regularly appears on the quiz Puzzle Panel and provides the cryptic clues for X Marks the Spot. He has written and edited over forty books, including The Mammoth Book of Brainstorming Puzzles, How to Devise a Game Show, Number Crunchers and Visual Vexations. In 2005 he became a leading author of sudoku puzzles, and he was the first person to have sudokus published in several major territories, including India and Scandinavia. As well as the classic 9x9 puzzle, David has pioneered a number of alternative designs which have proved popular with readers all over the world. His games, puzzles and questions also appear in many other magazines, websites, board games and advertising campaigns, and on interactive television. He qualified in mathematics from the University of Durham in north-east England and he currently lives in Surrey.
From sudoku to crosswords, Victorian parlour games to lateral thinking, cryptograms to today's latest brainteasers, this is the story of the hundreds of puzzles, word games and riddles that have baffled and entertained millions over the last century. The Riddles of the Sphinx tells the little-known histories behind the puzzles, and introduces the extraordinary geniuses, eccentrics, rivals, codecrackers and obsessives who invented them. Who would have thought that, for example, sudoku, Japan's biggest ever puzzle craze, was actually invented by a Swiss mathematician in 1783? That the Telegraph crossword helped Britain win the Second World War, via Bletchley Park? Or that Lewis Carroll was the expert in logic who invented the ‘word ladder'? Here you'll also find out about the mysterious ‘haberdasher's puzzle', what Carly Simon has to do with cruciverbalism, murder mystery games, Raymond Smullyan's ‘truthteller and liar' puzzles, Asia's latest numbercrunchers, how the World Puzzle Championships are blazing a trail for international relations, and how games help us to think and develop. There's even the opportunity to play some devilish games and classic brainteasers yourself, making this the ultimate book for puzzle addicts everywhere.

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Продавец: Bishop отлично, более 100 оценок (Нижний Новгород, RU/52 флаг)  
Состояние: индикатор состояния отличное; В продаже с 26.09.2016

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