Keep up-to-date with the newest and most topical words in the English language. The best-selling Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - the most comprehensive guide to written and spoken English available.
It now contains a 64-page new words section as well as colour headwords - to make it the most up-to-date and user-friendly dictionary around.
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English gives you more than just 84,000 words and phrases with clear definitions, natural examples and a signpost system for quick and easy reference. It also has:
3000 most commonly used words highlighted, plus frequency information.
Over 25,000 fixed phrases and collocations.
Integral CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh (with the main dictionary text and pictures, over 55,000 pronounced headwords, and access to the Longman Web Dictionary).
24 full colour topic pages.
Integral CD-ROM for Windows and Macintosh with the main dictionary.
New words update and colour headwords.
Comparison of spoken and written English based on the corpus.
Definitions in order of frequency.
Thousands of collocations.
3,000 most frequent words in spoken and written English.
Signposts guide you quickly to the meaning you want.
Usage notes.
Grammar patterns.
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