Книга Михаила Сендивогия (Александр Сетон) (Космополит) "A New Light of Achymie: Taken out of the fountaine of nature, and Manuall Experience. To which is added a Treatise of Sulphur: Written by Micheel Sandivogius: i.e. Anagram matically, Divi Leschi Genus Amo. Also Nine Books Nature of Things, Written by Paracelsus, Also a Chymicall Dictionary explaining hard places and words met withall in the writings of Paracelsus, and other obscure Authors. All which are faithfully translated out of the Latin into the English tongue, By J.F.M.D.": London, Printed by A. Clark, fof Tho. Williams at the Golden Ball in Hosier-Lane, 1674.