Указанный ISBN условный, так как оригинальное издание его НЕ имеет.
Author Oliver Bowes went through years of darkness and suffering before his life was suddenly transformed. Anxious, in pain, debt ridden, out of luck - he tried various books and they didn't work. He tried visualization, that didn't work. He studied the magick in medieval manuscripts - to no avail. Yet he continued to pray God daily. Then there was a result, and a sudden chain of events altered his life completely: 'God became manifest through him': his illness disappeared, his spirit was effused with joy, money seemed to be coming 'out of thin air', and there were no more panic attacks.
The spiritual methods which made such a difference are revealed in this booklet.
Thrilled by the change in his life, he explained the methods to family and friends who reported similar results. It was then he turned to us to publish them.
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