Walker's Rhyming Dictionary has been for over a hundred and fifty years a standard work of reference and has been a friend in need to generations of poets and rhymesters from Byron downwards. But it is not only to the poet and song writer that the Dictionary is of service and interest. To anyone interested in the English language the Index as well as the body of the work will give many ideas and will possibly provide many ‘horrid examples': those who rack their brains in solving puzzles in newspapers will, perchance, be saved many a rack and many a failure by the reverse alphabetical arrangement; and to others the grouping together of all the words ending in -aster, -derm, -esse, -graphy, -ism, -itis, -latry, -mancy, -ology, -pathy, and countless other suffixes and terminations will be a distinct advantage.
Дополнительно: Забрать книги можно в любой день и время улица Ягодная (Бирюлево Восточное).
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