One of India's most cherished renaissance figures, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) put India on the literary map of the world when his Gitanjali was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. The title of this poem, Fireflies, comes from the first verse of the bilingual Lekhan (1926) - "My fancies are fireflies..." It consists of 256 epigrams and short verses and shares structural similarity with Tagore's other notable epigrammatic poem, Stray Birds. These poems resemble the sayings of a wise man rather than poetry. The possibility of the influence of Japanese Haiku can be suggested. The compact style conveys memorable poetic expressions with great force and intensity. The brevity and crispness of these verses combined with the wit and wisdom contained in them make these poems extremely delightful and reader friendly. The Bengali version of some these poems are also to be found in Sphulinga (1946) apart from Lekhan.
В книге рисунки Бориса Арцыбашева.
Борис Михайлович Арцыбашев (25 мая 1899, Харьков - 16 июля 1965) - русский художник, дизайнер и иллюстратор. Сын писателя Михаила Арцыбашева.
За годы своей работы Арцыбашев создал иллюстрации более чем к 50 книгам, множество рекламных материалов и обложек к журналам.
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