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[автора нет]: Cooperation on Arctic Research between Japan and Russia


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Cooperation on Arctic Research between Japan and Russia

Издательство: Tokyo: NiPR
Переплет: мягкий; 89 страниц; 2015 г.
ISBN: 5-00-012641-6; Формат: энциклопедический
Язык: английский
На сайте с 06.05.2022


This is the report on the results of the discussions conducted by Japanese and Russian institutes and researchers on Arctic research following the recommendations made by the 11th Japan-Russia Joint Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation in September 2013. The discussions were mainly conducted at two workshops (WSs) held in July and October of 2014 in Tokyo, Japan.
The Arctic region has been facing drastic changes in recent years. These changes are affecting the region's environment and life in society, and moreover pose a threat to affect regions outside the Arctic region as well as the global environment. Clarification of these changes is an urgent issue, and it needs to be carried out by international and domestic efforts as well as through bilateral cooperation. The discussion on cooperative research between Russia, which dominates the largest area in the Arctic region among the Arctic countries, and Japan, which is a non-Arctic country but has long history of Arctic research, will surely make a substantial contribution to the overall understanding of these phenomena.
We hope that the discussion made here will be implemented in some manner in the near future.
Furthermore, continuous discussions in WSs are needed to narrow the existing gaps between the themes, and define other potential and productive research themes that could not be discussed in 2014.
The organizers would like to thank Dr. Vladimir Pavlenko and Professor Tetsuo Ohata who on took the roles of WS coordinators and finishing the report for each side, and the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), which financially supported the realization of the WSs and the development of this report.
The organizers would also like to thank Mr. Hiroyasu Kumagai, Ms. Yukie Uwaso of NIPR and Mr. Takeshi Matsunaga of ISTC for great support at the WSs which was the basis of the report, and editing of the report at the last stage.

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Состояние: индикатор состояния новое; В продаже с 06.05.2022

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Способы доставки: почтой по предоплате

Способы оплаты: банковской картой

Дополнительно: При заказе от 1500 р. отправка Почтой России бесплатно.
При заказе от 5000 р. разовая скидка 15% и отправка Почтой России бесплатно.
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650 руб

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