Publisher : Konemann; First Edition (1 Jan. 1993)
The photography selection and the photo arrangement is awesome and definitely the biggest appeal of this book. If you are a fan of 70's and 80's Formula 1 you won't be disappointed. There are plenty of great double page photos but its actually the arrangement of the smaller thumbnail photos which I believe make it so enjoyable. Schlegelmilch's photo layout is like the book version of John Frankenheimer's directorial style in the classic movie Grand Prix – lots of busy panels that create a detailed montage effect.
I don't think words can adequately describe how good this photobook is. The only major shortcoming is that it only covers up to season 1993; so if you're specifically looking for modern day Schlegelmilch photography book, Formula 1 or 50 Years of Formula 1 Photography will be a better bet. Either way, you will find yourself coming back to this book repeatedly. The 100th re-read is just as good the first – I rank this inside my all time favorite F1 books.
На 4-х языках: Английский, Немецкий, Французский, Испанский.
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Отпечатано в Германии.
Формат - 275 х 330 мм
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