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Каталог: Мистика, эзотерика, непознанное »•» Оккультизм, магия, колдовство

Dreadwood, Somnus: Charnel Whispers: Mastery of Necromancy, Death


Dreadwood, Somnus

Charnel Whispers: Mastery of Necromancy, Death

Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Переплет: мягкий; 224 страниц; 2012 г.
ISBN: 978-1-5187-2434-3; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.10.2018


Exhuming the dreadful powers of the Underworld, Charnel Whispers explores the Maergzjiran Cabal's path of necromancy in a pathworking format designed to guide the Disciple through his or her rites from the basic composition of the death essence fully into becoming a Leiche (Lich); masterfully weaving aspects of death and undeath with ease, controlling the most intimate and destructive of energies known to mankind. Such topics covered are: what it means to be a Necromancer, sylvan necromancy, conjuring various agents of the Underworld, reanimating the dead, controlling the death essence, death curses, grave familiars, Spirits of Keraktes, construction and animation of the golem, and undead apotheosis. Written by the Master of the Tower of Atrophy, Charnel Whispers enlightens the soul in various means. Of these, the most potent and crucial is that of using "whispers". The Cabal's utilization of whispers almost fully removes the need for ritual components in all manner of rites. Using the most carnal and spiritually powerful parts of the Disciple's soul, all arts of necromancy are manifested before you.

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Состояние: индикатор состояния как новое; В продаже с 27.01.2024
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Способы доставки: самовывоз; почтой по предоплате

Способы оплаты: наличными; перевод на банковский счет; банковской картой

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