Satanica Sexualis charts the forbidden area where sex, black magic and Satan meet in an unholy and lascivious fusion. This lavishly-illustrated and comprehensive encyclopedia of sex and the Devil covers: * the antichrist "black mass "demonology * the devil's mark "drugs "hell "hysteria "incubus/succubus "nuns "pornography "possession "satanic sex crime "scatology "sex magic "witches? sabbat and much more. Subjects covered include not only the history of sex and witchcraft, but also sex and Satan in cinema, literature, art and graphics. From Aleister Crowley to satanic sex killer Richard Ramirez, from Rosemary's Baby to Lucifer's Lust, from possessed nuns to priapic demons, Satanica Sexualis is the definitive document of this taboo, but insidiously compelling complex, a modern manual in the tradition of Krafft-Ebing.
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