In Wuji Qi Gong And The Secret Of Immortality, Stephen Elliott and Dr. Meng-Sheng Lin, O.M.D., L.Ac., unravel the 7000 year old mystery of the "Bagua" or 8 Trigrams of the Yi Jing to reveal one of it's surprising inner meanings - the secret of immortality.
In this short and unusual work, Elliott and Lin put forward a praeti-eal and philosophical discussion of this ancient Taoist practice for promoting health, well-being, and longevity that they refer to as Wuji Qi Gong.
The method is one of aligning with The Way of Heaven vs. going along with The Way of Earth. While this sounds mysterious, the authors shine a compelling light of logic and simplicity on this startling concept. To our knowledge, their explanation has never before been articulated, at least not in the English language!
The practice of Wuji Qi Gong involves "integration" of the four primordial elements Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, in effect "reordering" the elements in man such that they produce life vs. consume it, the outcome being health, vitality, and longevity, vs. decay and death.
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