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Shah-Kazemi: The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam



The Spirit of Tolerance in Islam

Издательство: LONDON - NEW YORK: I.B. Tauris Publishers
Переплет: мягкий; 166 страниц; 2012 г.
ISBN: 978-1-78076-131-2; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 20.06.2022


The reverse cover of this monograph states that ‘[t]hrough compelling historical illustration and careful theological exposition, [it] mounts a concise but irrefutable argument that the Islamic faith is inherently and emphatically tolerant by nature and disposition.' To that end, the work consists of an introduction, entitled ‘The Trajectory of Tolerance', and two parts. The first part, entitled ‘A Glance at the Historical Record', looks at examples of tolerance in the rulership of the Ottomans, the Mughals, the Fatimids, the Umayyads of Cordoba, and then the real status of ‘Protected Minorities' or dhimmis, under those rulerships. Part Two, entitled ‘The Spirit of Tolerance', moves on to the cosmological and theoretical aspects of tolerance within Islam itself. This part consists of six sections, entitled ‘Tolerance and Revealed Knowledge'; ‘Confirmation and Protection'; ‘Plurality of Faiths'; ‘Healthy Competition'; ‘Inevitability of Difference', and ‘The Prophetic Paradigm: Compassionate Forbearance'. An epilogue concludes the discussion. While the outline sounds promising, however, one issue remains, and that is whether the arguments put forth in the work are sufficient for demonstrating the point that Shah-Kazemi wishes to make.

About the Author
Dr. Reza Shah-Kazemi is Managing Editor of Encyclopaedia Islamica and Research Associate at The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London. He is the author of several books in the fields of Islamic Studies and Comparative Religion. His publications include Justice and Remembrance: Introducing the Spirituality of Imam 'Ali (London, 2006), Paths to Transcendence: According to Shankara, Ibn 'Arabi and Meister Eckhart (Bloomington, 2006), The Other in the Light of the One: The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue (Cambridge, 2006), and Spiritual Quest: Reflections on Qur'anic Prayer according to the Teachings of Imam 'Ali (London and New York, 2011).

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Состояние: индикатор состояния новое; В продаже с 20.06.2022

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