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Пономарева, Н.Г.; Веселовская, Н.Д.; Колышкина, В.Н. и др.: The Words you often mix up (Слова, которые вы часто путаете) 
состояние: как новое 230 руб
Пономарева, Н.Г.; Веселовская, Н.Д.; Колышкина, В.Н. и др.
The Words you often mix up (Слова, которые вы часто путаете)
1976 г.; Изд-во: Л.: Ленинградский университет
Пособие включает около 100 лексических групп, семантизация которых представляет трудность для студентов, изучающих английский язык. Оно состоит из объяснительного материала и тестов по данным группам слов. В конце пособия даны ключи. Пособие предназна...

Raimes, Ann: Grammar Troublespots. An Editing Guide for Students 
состояние: новое 630 руб
Raimes, Ann
Grammar Troublespots. An Editing Guide for Students
1998 г.; Изд-во: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
This compact grammar reference guide contains many challenging and useful practice activities. This text provides a guide to the 20 most common errors students make in writing, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense choice, and article usage. Each ...

Peterson, Patricia Wilcox: Changing Times, changing Tenses. A Review of the English Tense System 
состояние: как новое 670 руб
Peterson, Patricia Wilcox
Changing Times, changing Tenses. A Review of the English Tense System
1992 г.; Изд-во: Washington: United States Information Agency
This book is a review of the relationships between times and tenses in English. It is intended for beginning and intermediate level language students in non-English speaking countries, as a reinforcement and addition to their regular structure classes....

ред. Riordan, James; Риордан, Джеймс: Folk-tales of the British Isles. Народные сказки Британских островов 
состояние: отличное 350 руб
ред. Riordan, James; Риордан, Джеймс
Folk-tales of the British Isles. Народные сказки Британских островов
1987 г.; Изд-во: М.: Raduga
В иллюстрированных народных сказках Британских островов представлены сказки различных регионов. В приложение включены избранные переводы сказок на русский язык. Издание включает предисловие, словарь и комментарии к текстам. The West Country. The S...

Doyle, Rose: In Secret Sin 
состояние: отличное 450 руб
Doyle, Rose
In Secret Sin
2000 г.; Изд-во: Oxford: Pan Books
Bridget Baldacci's long marriage to Victor defined her life. When he diessuddenly, the family and childhood past he has kept from her die with him. ButBridget finds the exclusion she accepted when he was alive intolerable nowhe is dead. She heads for S...

Smith, Alexander Mccall: The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agence 
состояние: отличное 650 руб
Smith, Alexander Mccall
The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agence
2005 г.; Изд-во: London: Abacus
Mma Ramotswe was born in a small African village Mochudi. When she was a child, her mother died in an accident, so she was brought up her father and cousin. The cousin loved Mma Ramotswe very much and since childhood she tried to teach her everything s...

Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer: For the Children's Sake. Foundation of Education for Home and School 
состояние: как новое 570 руб
Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer
For the Children's Sake. Foundation of Education for Home and School
1985 г.; Изд-во: Westchester, Illinois: Crossway Books
Every parent and teacher wants to give their children the best education possible. Everyone would like education to be a joyous adventure and celebration of life, as well as a solid preparation for living. Sadly, most education today falls far short of...

Sulzby, E.; Klein, M.; Teale, W. и др.: McGraw-Hill English. Level 4 
состояние: новое 1730 руб
Sulzby, E.; Klein, M.; Teale, W. и др.
McGraw-Hill English. Level 4
1990 г.; Изд-во: New York: McGraw-Hill School Division
This edition published in 1990 by McGraw-Hill School Division in New York. Плотная белая бумага. Цветные иллюстрации.

Gunny, Ahmad: Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650 to the Present 
состояние: отличное 1800 руб
Gunny, Ahmad
Prophet Muhammad in French and English Literature: 1650 to the Present
2011 г.; Изд-во: The Islamic Foundation
Название книги: "Пророк Мухаммад во французской и английской литературе: с 1650 г. по настоящее время" "Gunny, a pioneer in the study of French and European literary and theological representations of Islam in the modern period, offers a survey of o...

Дьяконов, И.М.: Афразийские языки. Afrasian Languages 
состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Дьяконов, И.М.
Афразийские языки. Afrasian Languages
1988 г.; Изд-во: М.: Наука
This edition is a revised version of Semito-Hamitic Languages published in 1965 both in Russian and in English. The monograph sums up the newer studies by foreign scholars and by this author and his school. The book deals, from the historical and compa...

Connolly, John: Every Dead Thing (Все мертвые обретут покой) 
состояние: отличное 800 руб
Connolly, John
Every Dead Thing (Все мертвые обретут покой)
1999 г.; Изд-во: Simon & Schuster
Former NYPD detective Charlie "Bird" Parker is on the verge of madness. Tortured by the unsolved slayings of his wife and young daughter, he is a man consumed by guilt, regret, and the desire for revenge. When his former partner asks him to track down ...

ред. Дериглазова, Л.; Скура, А.; Фритч, С.: Европейский союз и Россия: Лицом к лицу. Материалы Международной конференции (EU and Russia: Face to face. Materials of an International conference) 
состояние: новое 650 руб
ред. Дериглазова, Л.; Скура, А.; Фритч, С.
Европейский союз и Россия: Лицом к лицу. Материалы Международной конференции (EU and Russia: Face to face. Materials ...
2007 г.; Изд-во: Томск: ТГУ
The conference on "EU-Russia Relations" was held in Salzburg, Austria, on 15–16 July 2006 It was the last major activity to be made within the TEMPUS-TACIS project MP-JEP 23068-2002. Representatives of nine partner-universities as well as other Europea...

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