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Прошу извинить за отсутствие книг, выставленных на продажу несколько лет назад. Они могли быть утеряны, проданы на других са... [подробнее]
Издание на белорусском языке.
Это первое в истории Полное собрание произведений Народного писателя Беларуси Василя Быкова (1924-2003).
При сопоставлении томов в первую очередь учитывалось мнение самого автора, успевшего спланировать проспект издания ...
2003 г.; Изд-во: Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
Savitri by Sri Aurobindo – his major poetic work, an epic in blank verse. In Savitri, a legend from the Mahabharata becomes the symbol of the human soul's spiritual destiny. In poetic language, Sri Aurobindo describes his vision of existence and explo...
Dialogues from the Upanishads is a collection of the most sublime and thrilling portions of the Upanishads, the only authentic source of spiritual knowledge, that treat of Jnana or Knowledge of the Self. The interpretation of the verses is at once appe...
Laugh, cry, stand up and cheer: Forrest Gump is everyman's story, everyman's dream. A wonderfully warm, savagely barbed, and hilariously funny "tale told by an idiot", from the razor-sharp pen of a contemporary wizard. No one is spared and everyone is ...