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Fogg, Marnie: Fashion: The Whole Story


Fogg, Marnie

Fashion: The Whole Story

Издательство: Thames and Hudson
Переплет: твердый; 576 страниц; 2013 г.
ISBN: 978-0-500-29110-8; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 13.03.2018


This ambitious and fascinating book traces the history of fashion in every part of the world, from Greco-Roman woven-cloth clothing and the silk court dress of the Chinese Tang dynasty to contemporary sportswear designers and Japanese street culture. Organized chronologically, the book traces the evolution of fashion period by period and trend by trend, while detailed timelines provide historical and cultural context. Fashion: The Whole Story is indispensable for everyone who loves the line of a superb suit or knows the joy of wearing a great pair of shoes.
Описание: Suitable for everyone who loves the line of a superb suit or knows the joy of wearing a great pair of shoes, this book traces the history of fashion in every part of the world, from Greco-Roman woven-cloth clothing and the silk court dress of the Chinese Tang dynasty to contemporary sportswear designers and Japanese street culture.
Дополнительное описание: This ambitious and fascinating book traces the history of fashion in every part of the world, from Greco-Roman woven-cloth clothing and the silk court dress of the Chinese Tang dynasty to contemporary sportswear designers and Japanese street culture.

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