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Каталог: Художественная литература »•» Фантастика, фэнтези

Lucas, George: Star Wars: Frames


Lucas, George

Star Wars: Frames

Издательство: Abrams; Reprint edition
Переплет: твердый; 736 страниц; 2013 г.
ISBN: 978-1-4197-0470-3; Формат: оч. большой
Язык: английский
На сайте с 29.12.2016


Два тома в картонном боксе.

After George Lucas finished work on 2005's Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the
Sith, he wanted to look back on the now-completed Star Wars Saga through an
entirely new point-of-view: isolating stills, or frames, from each of the six Star
Wars films, focusing on them intensely as works of photography and design and
reproducing them in a book. For two years, Lucas went through more than 200,000
frames per film, eventually editing more than a million frames down to the 1,416
images that now comprise Star Wars: Frames, an essential part of the Saga and a
testament to the hard work, craftsmanship and dedication evident in every frame of
every film. Within the pages of Frames, iconic and unexpected moments from each
film reveal abstractions and deepen appreciations of the films' artistry. Star Wars:
Frames, previously available only as a $3,000 limited edition, presents these stills
in a new, lower-priced edition, bringing together Lucas's personal shot-by-shot
selections from all six Star Wars films into a lavishly designed two-volume
hardcover set--one volume for the Original Trilogy and one volume for the Prequel
Trilogy. For collectors and fans, Star Wars: Frames is a more affordable edition of
this grand project devoted to the art and craftsmanship of a cinematic
phenomenon--an essentially photographic and yet filmic, look at the cinema of
George Lucas, printed with the highest production values--the ultimate Star Wars
book and collector's piece.

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