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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Архитектура

Cornforth, John: London Interiors


Cornforth, John

London Interiors

Издательство: Aurum Press
Переплет: мягкий; 192 страниц; 2009 г.
ISBN: 978-1-84513-433-4; Формат: оч. большой
Язык: русский
На сайте с 26.09.2016


London's historic houses and domestic interiors have suffered greater loss and change than most of their provincial counterparts due to political and social change, war, and a tradition of continuous rebuilding. The photographic archive accumulated over the past century by the magazine Country Life forms a remarkable and evocative record of houses as they were. In this latest collection, the vanished magnificence of the great 18th-century houses of the aristocracy, from the glamorous Rococo interiors of Norfolk House to the Gothic Pomfret Castle. Other houses are seen at key moments in their history: Robert Adam's Home House occupied by Samuel Courtauld and his celebrated collection of Impressionist masterpieces. The monumental Classical interiors of Dorchester House, photographed shortly before they were swept away.

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