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Palmer, Robert: The Rolling Stones


Palmer, Robert

The Rolling Stones

Издательство: New York: Doubleday & Company
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 260 страниц; 1983 г.
ISBN: 0-385-27925-6; Формат: оч. большой
Язык: английский
На сайте с 02.04.2014


Published by Rolling Stone magazine, this pretty decent bio of the Rolling Stones has some great photos and pulls no punches.

Follows the lads from infancy (no kidding... great baby photos) on up to 1981, with plenty of tales of sleaze and drugs and the rock and roll lifestyle. Palmer certainly a respectful fan and respected rock critic (a Rolling Stone mag regular, he taught courses in Rock history at Yale, amongst other institutions), a good choice for authoring this book.

Tremendous photos (the group let photographers into their homes and onto their tour planes), sometimes pairing Keith or Mick or even dear old Brian with some other rock legend. Performance photos, studio takes, candid snaps, amusingly styled poses most of us wouldn't otherwise see. Lots of views of decadence, drugs, and drama. Most of these guys survived, as we know, and the book postulated their physical longevity and musical success. Palmer just as amazed as the average fan, but the book is informative and an interesting read.

A few places, there are excerpted lyrics, but don't expect full tabs or all words to any song.

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