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Каталог: Техника и технология »•» Авиация, космонавтика

Winter, William: War Planes of the Nations


Winter, William

War Planes of the Nations

Издательство: George G. Harrap & Co Ltd. London. Toronto. Bombay. Sydney
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 389 страниц; 1944 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 01.08.2013


Иллюстрированное издание о мировой военной авиации периода Второй мировой войны.
This is a book, not for the technician, but for those enthusiasts, young and old, who delight in "spotting" aircraft and who want to be able to recognise the different types at sight. Therefore, as the author says in his Preface : "The aim here has been to make the reading matter complete yet interesting and enjoyable by culling out the technical data and bringing it together after the description of each plane. The author has endeavoured to avoid 'experting', for there is already too much of that to-day. This is simply a comprehensive piece of reporting done after many talks with pilots, designers, representatives of various Governments in exile, ard manufacturers' representatives. Since such a book could easily get out of bounds, the aircraft included here have been limited to those of nations whose war planes are made especially important by the events of World War II.
" The collection of three-view plans is unique in a book of this kind, and should be a marked help for aeroplane spotters. These drawings afford an opportunity for the reader for the first time to compare the characteristics and appearance of the world's most famous battle-planes".
WAR PLANES OF THE NATIONS Was first published in America, but for the English edition the British section has been thoroughly revised by Mr C. F. Joy, who has included details of aeroplanes lately taken off the "secret" list. Hence descriptions of Lancasters, Mosquitos and Typhoons are to be found.

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