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[автора нет]: How to Make Paper Costumes -- Instructions and Illustrations for Over 60 Vintage Costumes


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How to Make Paper Costumes -- Instructions and Illustrations for Over 60 Vintage Costumes

Издательство: NY.: Bramcost Publications
Переплет: мягкий; 32 страниц; 2006 г.
ISBN: 978-1-934268-41-4; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 11.06.2012


Костюмы из бумаги, переиздание книги 1922 года.

During the first half of the 20th century, Dennison Manufacturing Company produced a wide range of paper products including tags, boxes, holiday goods, crepe paper, seals and labels. Dennison also printed idea books for their customers, including costume books with detailed instructions for creating affordable and unique crepe paper costumes. This book, originally published in 1922, contains over 60 costumes including: bird costumes (parrot, peacock); floral costumes (rose, lily, sweet pea, jonquil, rose bud, tulip); vegetable costumes (pumpkin, corn, carrot); national costumes (french peasant, scotch, dutch, hawaiian, chinese); story book costumes (bo peep, fairy, herald, mistress mary, mother goose, boy blue); nature costumes (bird, butterfly, bee); four seasons costumes (spring, summer, autumn, winter, wood elf); costumes for special days (eastern bunny, queen of hearts, patriotic, holly, irish colleen); elemental costumes (rainbow, breeze); slip over costumes (rose, daisy, poppy, violet); fancy costumes (pierrot, circus, carnival, chance, black and white, ballet, jockey); children's costumes (jack of diamonds, fledgling, cupid, evening star, bird's nest, flower/butterfly, rooster, butterfly ruffles). General instructions for using crepe paper to create costumes are in the front of the book and each pattern includes text instructions with an illustration. Sample pattern images are shown on this page.

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