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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Живопись, графика, рисунок, скульптура

Birchall, Heather: Pre-Raphaelites (Прерафаэлиты)


Birchall, Heather

Pre-Raphaelites (Прерафаэлиты)

Издательство: Taschen
Переплет: мягкий; 96 страниц; 2010 г.
ISBN: 978-3-8228-5486-0; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 07.04.2011


"Genuine ideas to express"

Sometimes considered the first avant-garde art movement, the Pre-Raphaelites rejected their era's dominant artistic theories for what they saw as a more spiritual, naturalistic and intensely personal approach. Fascinated by the romantic aspects of medieval culture and the vivid, jewel-like colors of Quattrocento art, the movement abhored the Classical poses and composition of Raphael and those influenced by him-hence the group's name-and the influence of Sir Joshua Reynolds.

Founded in 1848 by William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the original Pre-Raphaelites were joined by William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Thomas Woolner to form a seven-member "brotherhood". Its influence on many later British artists was extensive, and Rossetti's work is now seen as a precursor of the wider European Symbolist movement. This book examines the group's emergence, development, influence, and subsequent demise.

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