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Dallas, Gregor: Metrostop Paris history from the city's heart


Dallas, Gregor

Metrostop Paris history from the city's heart

Издательство: John Murray
Переплет: ламинированный мягкий; 240 страниц; 2008 г.
ISBN: 978-0-7195-6062-0; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 28.12.2010


The name of every Parisian metro station tells a story. In Metrostop Paris Gregor Dallas recounts a series of extraordinary, true tales about the city as he leads his readers around the metro.
The book includes visits to Paris's catacombs at "Hell's Gate" , the literary cafes and old jazz cellars fo Montparnasse and Saint-Germain-des-Pres and the seventeenth-century alleys of the Marais, along with trips to the Palais-Royal at the time of the Revolution and the world of opera during Claude Debussy's lifetime. Through the eyes of Jean-Paul Sartre, Dallas describes the German occupation of Paris during the Second World War and the intelectual wars that followed. A visit to the futuristic Cite de la Science at La Villette prompts the story of the Marquis de Mores, the French "cowboy" and anti-Semite , who was eventually murdered by tribesmen of the Sahara Desert in 1896. Outside the church of Saint-Paul Dallas tells us about Gabriel de Montgomery who accidentaly killed his king just there and was executed on the Place de Greve. This exciting journey through time and space concludes at the Cemetery Pere Lachaise with the uknown tale of Oscar Wilde's strange involvement in the Dreyfus Affair, the greatest legal scandal of all time.

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