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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Языкознание, иностранные языки »•» Русский

Ooms, Mirjam; Tielkes, Olga: Русский язык для говорящих по-английски. Базовый курс Berlitz. 1 книга + 3 аудиокассеты в упаковке


Ooms, Mirjam; Tielkes, Olga

Русский язык для говорящих по-английски. Базовый курс Berlitz. 1 книга + 3 аудиокассеты в упаковке

Издательство: М.: Живой язык
Переплет: мягкий; 196 страниц; 2002 г.
ISBN: 5-8033-0114-0; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 17.03.2005


Russian. Basic Course. Berlitz with 3 audio cаssettes

This self-study course in Russian aims to help you to understand spoken language in everyday situations. The teaching method is based on Berlitz method. The lesson include lively dialogues, short grammar commentaries and quizzes. The structure of the course enables quick
mastery of conversation skills. Try this unique, simple, and successful approach to language learning.
The presented course consists of 12 lessons (scenes). Each subsequent lesson is based on the material given in the preceding one. A lesson includes a dialogue covering one of the most common everyday life situations, appropriate comments to the dialogue, and exercises. Performed by native Russian speakers all dialogues are recorded on audio cassettes. Complexity of the vocabulary and grammar material increases gradually, so that language skills are acquired easily.
You don’t have to drill dozens of grammar rules!
Short comments given on margins clarify words and grammar structures used in the dialogue. You speak and master necessary grammar and vocabulary simultaneously. Without too much effort, you will be able to communicate with Russian speakers and cope with difficult situations. We hope you’ll enjoy studying Russian with our course!
The Russian basic course pack includes:
• book that contains texts of dialogues, exercises, and simple comments on grammar
• three audio cassettes with the recordings of dialogues covering more then 20 topics you
frequently deal with in everyday life, such as greetings, asking or telling time, numbers and
counting, currency exchange, asking directions, etc.

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