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Greeley, Andrew M.: September Song


Greeley, Andrew M.

September Song

Издательство: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
Переплет: твердый; 318 страниц; 2001 г.
ISBN: 0-312-87225-9; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 07.10.2009


Chucky can't stay out of trouble, and his loving and devoted wife Rosemarie is often, if not always, by his side. Showing up at the trouble spots of the world seems to be Chucky's destiny. Greeley recalls the turbulent and history-changing events of the 1960s with fondness and clarity. The fourth of the O'Malley chronicles is narrated by the ravishing Rosemarie, dedicated wife of our intrepid and trouble-prone hero, Chucky Cronin O'Malley. Destined to be compared to the Lanny Budd novels of Upton Sinclair and the Chicago novels of James T Farrell, SEPTEMBER SONG follows the O'Malley saga from Chucky's appointment as Ambassador to Germany by President Kennedy (the youngest ambassador in history), to his resignation after a serious disagreement with President Johnson, to his in-your-face involvement in Selma, Alabama, the Chicago Democratic Convention and the Vietnam War.

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