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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Языкознание, иностранные языки »•» Английский

Richards, Jack C.; Hull, Jonathan; Proctor, Susan: New Interchange English for international communication 2


Richards, Jack C.; Hull, Jonathan; Proctor, Susan

New Interchange English for international communication 2

Издательство: Cambridge University Press; Издание 27-е
Переплет: мягкий; 154 страниц; 2004 г.
ISBN: 0-521-62862-8; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 16.11.2008


"New Interchange" is the second edition of "Interchange", one of the world's most successful English courses for adult and young adult learners at the beginning to intermediate levels. "New Interchange" incorporates suggestions from students and teachers using the first edition from around the world. It offers more comprehensive grammar presentation and practice, more opportunities to develop listening skills and build fluency, as well as fresh new content in every unit.

"New Interchange" features high-interest topics, a focus on both accuracy and fluency, and a multi-skills syllabus integrating themes, structures, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The underlying philosophy of the course is that language is best learned when used for meaningful communication. "New Interchange" is written in American English, but reflects the fact that English is the major language of international communication, and is not limited to any one country, region, or culture.

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