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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Фотография

O'Neill, Thomas; Block, Ira: Back Roads America. A Portfolio of Her People


O'Neill, Thomas; Block, Ira

Back Roads America. A Portfolio of Her People

Серия: National Geographic Special Publications Series

Издательство: National Geographic Society
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 200 страниц; 1980 г.
ISBN: 0-87044-282-1; Формат: увеличенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 10.11.2020


The Assignment: Take to the rural roads of the United States, avoiding the sprawl of cities and monotony of superhighways - just wander through the nation's countryside and produce a book about what you find.

Photographer Ira Block and writer Tom O'Neill thus set off on a nine-month, looping route that matched the circling seasons. They spent winter driving the snowy roads of New England; spring following the humid byways of the South; summer crossing the vast reaches of the West and Alaska; and autumn, the golden season of harvest, heading homeward across the broad top of the country.

As only National Geographic could produce, here you'll find a medley of the sights and sounds of an American journey - along the country's beguiling back roads.

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