Микки Доннелли - толковый мальчишка, но в районе Белфаста, где он живет, это не приветствуется. У него есть собака по кличке Киллер, он влюблен в соседскую девочку и обожает мать. Мечта Микки - скопить денег и вместе с мамой и младшей сестренкой уехать в ...
Попытка проанализировать творчество ряда знаковых авторов, отталкиваясь от фактов их биографии. Забавный, но заведомо провальный подход)) Среди препарируемых: Руссо, Шелли, Маркс, Ибсен, Хемингуэй, Сартр, Брехт и др.
City of love. City of splendour. City of terror. City of dreams.
Inspired by the haunting, passionate story of the city of lights, this epic novel weaves a gripping tale of four families across the centuries: from the lies that spawn the noble line ...
50 insightful entries examining the self-proclaimed urban elite. Skinny jeans? Check. Charity-shop clothing? Check. Non-essential prescription glasses? Check. Beanie balanced artfully on the back of your skull? Check. These items have become the unifor...
Adrian Healey loves to lie. He does it all the time. Every minute, every moment. And worse, he does it wonderfully, imaginatively, brilliantly. He lies to buck the system, to express his contempt for convention, but mostly because he just plain likes t...
The Monarchy Has Been Dismantled. When a Republican party wins the General Election, their first act in power is to strip the royal family of their assets and titles and send them to live on a housing estate in the Midlands. Exchanging Buckingham Palac...
Anna Craven has grown up captivated by stories of her mother's childhood in Birmingham and of Kate's friend, Olivia. Theirs was a magical friendship and Anna has always regretted that with Olivia's tragic death during the war, she will never meet the w...
Helpless, Saran Chandler stands by as her mother and younger sister are sold by the vile Enoch Jacobs and herself narrowly escapes the same fate. When Enoch drowns, Saran swears that she will not rest until she has secured her family's release, but - p...