Few novels have had as profound an impact as On the Road, and Kerouac's vision continues to inspire: three generations of writers, musicians, artists, and poets cite their discovery of On the Road as the event that "set them free." This hardcover editi...
Серия: Original reading English. Книга для чтения на английском языке 2004 г.; Изд-во: СПб: Корона
Неадаптированное издание.
Энтони Берджесс - английский писатель, литературовед, композитор, переводчик и журналист. До конца 50-х годов занимался преподавательством, изучал теорию музыки и уделял мало времени писательству.Скандально-извест ный дебютн...
Fight Club is a 1996 novel by Chuck Palahniuk. It follows the experiences of an unnamed protagonist struggling with insomnia. Inspired by his doctor's exasperated remark that insomnia is not suffering, the protagonist finds relief by impersonating a se...
"Donc j'etais tout a l'heure au Jardin public. La racine du marronnier s'enfonçait dans la terre, juste au-dessous de mon banc. Je ne me rappelais plus que c'etait une racine. Les mots s'etaient evanouis et, avec eux, la signification des choses, ...
Limerick, 1934. It's cold and it's wet. Frank, his parents and three brothers have just come back from America to start a new life in Ireland. But life in Limerick is even harder than life in 1930s' New York. Frank's father, Malachu, is from the North ...