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Schweitzer, F
Brownian Agents and Active Particles: Collective Dynamics in the Natural and Social Sciences
2003 г.; Изд-во: Springer
"This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complex systems" (from the foreword by J. Doyne Farmer). By developing the genuine idea of Brownian agents, the author combines concepts from informatics, such as multiagent system...

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Lieb, Elliott H.; Mattis, Daniel C.
Stock Image Mathematical Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Soluble Models of Interacting Particles
1966 г.; Изд-во: Academic press

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Davidson, R.C.
Methods in non-linear plasma theory
1972 г.; Изд-во: Academic press

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Newton, Paul K.
The N-Vortex Problem: Analytical Techniques
2001 г.; Изд-во: Springer
"Although several other books on vortex dynamics have appeared in recent years, none have the level of detail on these discrete vortex models that Newton… "This is a very timely addition to the literature. … Exercises are scattered throughout the bo...

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Treumann, Rudolf A.; Baumjohann, Wolfgang
Advanced space plasma physics
1977 г.; Изд-во: Imperial college press
This book builds on the fluid and kinetic theory of equilibria and waves presented in a companion textbook, Basic Space Plasma Physics (by the same authors), but can also serve as a stand-alone text. It extends the field covered there into the domain o...

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Voropayev, Sergey I.; Afanasyev, Y.D.
Vortex structures in a stratified fluid
1994 г.; Изд-во: Chapman & Hall
A fully systematic treatment of the dynamics of vortex structures and their interactions in a viscous density stratified fluid is provided by this book. The various compact vortex structures such as monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles, as well as more comp...

состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Uhlenbeck, G.E.
Selected Topics in Statistical Mechanics
1963 г.; Изд-во: New York: W.A. Benjamin, Inc
Contents Foreword Selected Topics in Statistical Mcchunics G. IE. Uhlellbeck, The Rockefeller lnstill/le, New York (Notes by N. Hangnnntlml1) Stntisticnl Mechanics of Equally Likely Quantum Systems N. Rosenzweig, Argonne National Laboratory (Not...

состояние: отличное 1000 руб
Gribbin, J; Gribbin, M
Richard Feynman: A Life in Science
1997 г.; Изд-во: Dutton Adult

состояние: отличное 1000 руб
Katsnelson, A; Olemskoi, A
Microscopic theory of nonhomogeneous structures
1990 г.; Изд-во: Mir publishers Moscow

состояние: как новое 1000 руб
Schuster, Heinz G.
Deterministic chaos. An introduction
1988 г.; Изд-во: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft

состояние: как новое 1000 руб
Barabasi, A.L.; Stanley, H.E.
Fractal concept in surface growth
1995 г.; Изд-во: Cambridge university press

состояние: как новое 2000 руб
Milne, E.A.
Relativity gravitation and world-structure
1935 г.; Изд-во: Oxford at the Clarendon press
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