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Yasin, Hamid Safadi: Islamic Calligraphy 
состояние: хорошее 2000 руб
Yasin, Hamid Safadi
Islamic Calligraphy
1992 г.; Изд-во: Thames and Hudson
История, техника и типы исламской каллиграфии. Мелованная бумага. 200 иллюстраций. Отпечатана в Сингапуре.

Ильин, И.П.: American literary criticism 
состояние: хорошее 200 руб
Ильин, И.П.
American literary criticism
1981 г.; Изд-во: Прогресс
Задача настоящего сборника - познакомить читателя с лучшими образцами творчества американских критиков и литературоведов, а также писателей, выступавших в роли критиков, за два столетия. Среди тех, кто определял направление американской литературно-кри...

ред. Davis, S.: Typography 26. The Annual Of The Type Directors Club 
состояние: как новое 1100 руб
ред. Davis, S.
Typography 26. The Annual Of The Type Directors Club
Серия: The Annual Of The Type Directors Club
2005 г.; Изд-во: HarperDes
Each year, the Type Directors Club selects a prominent design studio or designer for the latest Typography book, which showcases the winners of their annual typography competition. Tremendous creative freedom is given to each studio, which is why this ...

Havranek, Vit; Steinbr&#252gge, Bettina; Schaschl-Cooper, Sabine: The Need to Document 
состояние: как новое 2999 руб
Havranek, Vit; Steinbrügge, Bettina; Schaschl-Cooper, Sabine
The Need to Document
2005 г.; Изд-во: JRP Editions SA
Art that understands itself as politically motivated is at present quite frequently falling back on documentary forms of art. The claim usually leading to a documentary comprises criteria of objectivity and truthfulness, of re-presentation in a mimetic...

[автора нет]: Ansichtskarten-kalender- 12 stimmungsvolle Aufnahmen Alt Berlin 
состояние: новое 100 руб
[автора нет]
Ansichtskarten-kalender- 12 stimmungsvolle Aufnahmen Alt Berlin
2014 г.; Изд-во: Berlin: Verlag Grosshandel GmbH und Co. KG
Календарь открыток с 12 фотоснимками Старого Берлина.

Mito, Design: Brochures 
состояние: отличное 420 руб
Mito, Design
2009 г.; Изд-во: Index Books S L
This latest edition of From North to South America reviews the best in contemporary brochures by designers from all over North and South America. Each work featured has been chosen for its superior level of creative design and power of visual impact. B...

Chip, Kidd: Book One Work: 1986-2006 
состояние: отличное 450 руб
Chip, Kidd
Book One Work: 1986-2006
2005 г.; Изд-во: Rizzoli
Chip Kidd is associate art director at Alfred A. Knopf. His first novel, The Cheese Monkeys, was a national bestseller and a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. He is the editor-at-large for Pantheon and the author of Peanuts: The Art of Charles M...

состояние: как новое 500 руб
[автора нет]
Культура в Федеративной Республике Германии (ФРГ). Набор из 11 буклетов: Выпуск I-XI
1985-1988 г.; Изд-во: Бонн: Inter Nationes
Буклеты на немецком языке. 11 буклетов. Размер: 84 х 21 см. Вашему вниманию предлагается набор из 11 буклетов, посвященный искусству в ФРГ. Названия буклетов: Ballett und Tanz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Балет и танец в ФРГ), Literatur und l...

Maeda, J.: Maeda and Media 
состояние: отличное 2700 руб
Maeda, J.
Maeda and Media
2000 г.; Изд-во: Thames & Hudson
American technologist and product experience leader that bridges business, engineering, design via working inclusively. MIT-trained computer scientist, both risk manager (MBA effect) and risk taker (learner effect), and seasoned for-profit/non-profi...

Carter, R.: Experimental Typography 
состояние: отличное 630 руб
Carter, R.
Experimental Typography
1997 г.; Изд-во: RotoVision
Using desktop computers, graphic designers have vigorously plunged into the waters of typographic experimentation, irrevocably altering the way they approach and translate ideas into visual form. This book offers a range of typographic experiments by l...

[автора нет]: All New American Logo 
состояние: как новое 670 руб
[автора нет]
All New American Logo
2000 г.; Изд-во: Madison Square Press
The All New American Logo mirrors the new freedom felt by today's graphic designers. The pendulum of taste is swinging, and graphic designers are exploring the new limits being set by corporate standards. This book displays the many styles being develo...

Bernheim, Nele; Dombrowicz, Laurent: The Belgians: An Unexpected Fashion Story 
состояние: новое 4500 руб
Bernheim, Nele; Dombrowicz, Laurent
The Belgians: An Unexpected Fashion Story
2015 г.; Изд-во: Hatje Cantz
Surreal, avant-garde and explicit are three keywords that are commonly associated with Belgian fashion. This exhibition catalogue gives a unique historic overview of Belgian fashion, starting with the legendary Antwerp Six--including Dries van Noten, W...

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