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состояние: отличное 1500 руб
Kiyosaki, Robert; Lechter, Sharon
Rich Dad's Prophecy
Серия: Rich Dad Poor Dad
2003 г.; Изд-во: Warner Books
In the near future, the vast majority of Baby Boomers will be on the verge of retirement - and looking to cash in on their retirement plans. This will be a major drain on cash reserves for which no-one is ready and there's every chance that peoples' li...

состояние: приемлемое 250 руб
Kiyosaki, Robert
Retire young retire rich
2002 г.; Изд-во: Business plus
This book is about how we started with nothing and retired financially free in less than ten years. Find out how you can do the same. If you do not plan on working hard all of your life...this book is for you. Why not Retire Young and Retire Rich?

состояние: как новое 2500 руб
O'Neil, William
How To Make Money In Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times or Bad
2002 г.; Изд-во: McGraw-Hill

ред. Fabozzi, Frank J.: Fixed Income Analysis (for the Chartered Financial Analyst Program) 
состояние: как новое 1600 руб
ред. Fabozzi, Frank J.
Fixed Income Analysis (for the Chartered Financial Analyst Program)
Серия: CFA Institute
2005 г.; Изд-во: Frank J. Fabozzi Associates
Fixed Income Analysis (for the Chartered Financial Analyst Program) Перевод на русский: "Анализ инструментов с фиксированной доходностью" Входит в обязательную для изучения программу при подготовке к сдаче I и II уровня экзамена CFA

Frost, A.J.; Hager, D.P.: Debt Securities 
состояние: новое 200 руб
Frost, A.J.; Hager, D.P.
Debt Securities
2002 г.; Изд-во: Oxford: Heinemann Professional Publishing ltd
1. The economic background 2. Government funding and the money markets 3. The conventional gilts market 4. Index-linked gilts and other UK goverment borrowing 5. Coprorate borrowings 6. Debentures and loan stocks 7. Preference share 8. Internati...

Husick, Gail Claiton; Arrington, J. Michael: The Initial Public Offering: A Practical Guide for Executives 
состояние: как новое 599 руб
Husick, Gail Claiton; Arrington, J. Michael
The Initial Public Offering: A Practical Guide for Executives
1998 г.; Изд-во: N.Y: Bowne & Co, Inc

Coulson, Michael: An Insider's Guide to the Mining Sector: How to Make Money from Gold and Mining Shares 
состояние: хорошее 200 руб
Coulson, Michael
An Insider's Guide to the Mining Sector: How to Make Money from Gold and Mining Shares
2004 г.; Изд-во: Petersfield: Harriman House
In this fully revised, updated and expanded second edition, Michael Coulson gives a masterly overview of the mining sector. He explains both the rewards and the pitfalls of investing in mining shares, provides a study of the history of mining - focusin...

состояние: как новое 3000 руб
Губський, Б.В.
Біржові технології ринку
1997 г.; Изд-во: Киев. Нора-прінт

состояние: приемлемое 200 руб
Zweig, Martin
Winning on Wall Street
1994 г.; Изд-во: Warner Books

[автора нет]: Internet Trading. Мультимедийный самоучитель +CD-ROM. TeachPro 
состояние: новое 100 руб
[автора нет]
Internet Trading. Мультимедийный самоучитель +CD-ROM. TeachPro
2008 г.; Изд-во: М.: Мультимедиа Технологии и Дистанционное Обучение
В комплекте мультимедийный обучающий курс на английском языке

состояние: отличное 1000 руб
Forsback, Norman G.
Stock market logic
1990 г.; Изд-во: Kingsport Press, Tennessee, USA
This classic, first published in 1976, has gone through 18 printings and sold more than a half-million copies. It offers comprehensive coverage of the stock market for investors and professionals, and presents a coherent philosophy, showing how investo...

Bernstein, Peter: Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk 
состояние: отличное 300 руб
Bernstein, Peter
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
1998 г.; Изд-во: Wiley
With the stock market breaking records almost daily, leaving longtime market analysts shaking their heads and revising their forecasts, a study of the concept of risk seems quite timely. Peter Bernstein has written a comprehensive history of man's effo...

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