Мария Нагловская - живая легенда 20 века. Ее сексуальные инициации до сих пор будоражат воображение многих. Ее Салон посещали Жорж Батай и Юлиус Эвола. Ее трансгрессивные практики не уступают тому, что некогда проводил Кроули, а ее идея третьего завета - ...
Иоанн, Лествичник Лествица
2008 г.; Изд-во: С.П.б.: Наука
"Лествица", написанная игуменом Синайского монастыря преподобным Иоанном в VI в., является руководством в подвижнической жизни. В книге представлена определенная иерархия монашеских подвигов. В руководстве преп. Иоанна 30 Слов - 30 ступеней святости, по к...
The book contains 64 revised, edited, and formatted extended abstracts of papers written by international experts on development, production, and application of new and prospective composite materials.
The contributions included in the volume provide ...
The book contains 25 revised and edited condensed papers on micromixing in turbulent reactive flows. The papers address the fundamentals of turbulent mixing of chemical species and their reaction in flame fronts or other structures.
The book provid...
The book offers very valuable contribution to the current knowledge on how and why accidents and emergencies occur during construction and use of transportation and subway tunnels. The book contains the results of extensive research which has brought t...
The book contains more than 50 revised and edited condensed papers on confined gaseous and spray deflagrations and detonations and their applications to pulse-detonation propulsion written by international experts in detonation physics, chemistry, and ...
The volume contains 24 revised and edited articles on confined gaseous and spray deflagrations and detonations and their applications to pulse detonation propulsion written by world-known experts in detonation physics and propulsion. The articles inclu...
The book includes 128 revised, edited and formatted condenced papers on combustion science and technology and physical chemistry of atmospheric pollution written by international experts from 17 countries. It covers fundamentals of combustion in propul...
The book includes 43 revised and edited condensed papers on fundamentals of gaseous and heterogeneous deflagrations and detonations and applications of detonations to chemical propulsion written by international experts in detonation physics, chemistry...
The book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art of the intrinsically interrelated disciplines: combustion science and technology and physical chemistry of atmospheric pollution. It contains original articles written by world-renown experts in the...
В сборнике представлены юмористические англ. тексты таких авторов, как
Balsden, Benchley, Durrell, Leacock,Mikes, Parkinson,Shulman,Sullivan,Thu rber,Wodehouse,Woolcott.
Издание рассказывает о семье немецких художников по фамилии Кранах. В альбоме раскрывается творчество живописца и графика Лукаса Кранаха старшего, а также его сыновей – Ганса Кранаха и Лукаса Кранаха младшего. В альбоме 265 цветных и тоновых репродукци...