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Каталог: Техника и технология »•» Автомобили, наземный транспорт

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Nicholson, T.R.

Sports Cars. Book Two. 1907-1927

Издательство: Лондон, Нью-Йорк, Сидней, Торонто The Macmillan Company
Переплет: твердый; 164 страниц; 1970 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 25.11.2016


Sports Cars 1907-1927 is the third volume in the Macmillan series - Cars of the World in Color - which, when complete, will constitute a pictoral history of the automobile from its inception to the present day. This book illustrates the period when the automobile had just broken away from its eariest days as a "horseless carriage" and was seeking new, exciting and specialised forms in this new mode of transportation. On of the first to develop was the sports car, shown here in its early stages of development. The sports car means different things to different peopole. This book tries to cover all the more familiar defenitions, tracing the development of each type in an attempt to satisfy the greatest number of readers. This book contains 192 illustrations in full color, depicting an era of exciting and adventurous development in the world of the sports car. Detailed descriptions and perfomances of each car illustrated are given in the text.

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