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Каталог: Искусство, культура »•» Декоративно - прикладное искусство

Wood, Christopher: Dictionary of British Art Vol. 4, Victorian Painters 1-Text


Wood, Christopher

Dictionary of British Art Vol. 4, Victorian Painters 1-Text

Издательство: Antique Collectors Club
Переплет: твердый + суперобложка; 595 страниц; 1995 г.
ISBN: 978-1-85149-171-1; Формат:
Язык: английский
На сайте с 11.06.2016


The first edition of The Dictionary of Victorian Painters was published in 1971 and contained details of 1,800 artists together with 250 illustrations. It became an accepted textbook on Victorian artists and was reprinted four times until a second, revised and much enlarged edition with 11,000 entries and 550 illustrations appeared in 1978. The Dictionary is now revised in two volumes, each complementary to one another yet entirely independent wos, depending on the particular interest of the reader. This volume contains over 11,000 entries, which have been revised and updated where appropriate to reflect recent research, as well as much additional material. In many cases the entries are treated as short essays and contain details of exhibitions and gallery viewings of artists works. Every attempt has been made to make this edition a comprehensive one by listing every artist recorded during the period 1837-1901, even those who only exhibited one work. Research has been carried out into all available printed sources as well as saleroom and dealers catalogues. Much of the information given is not to be found in any other works and The Dictionary is, therefore, an important source of reference for all with an interest in or who are concerned with art of the Victorian period.
Описание: Lists all recorded artists from 1837-1901 in over 11,000 individual entries. The volume has been revised and updated to reflect research and carries much additional material. The entries are treated as short essays and contain details of exhibitions and gallery viewings of artists' work.

Формат альбома: 282 x 222 x 45

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