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Shteyngart, Gary

Super Sad True Love Story

Издательство: Random House Trade Paperback
Переплет: мягкий; 331 страниц; 2010 - 2011 г.
ISBN: 978-0-8129-7786-8; Формат: стандартный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 30.07.2013


The son of a Russian immigrant, protagonist Leonard (Lenny) Abramov, a middle-aged, middle class, otherwise unremarkable man whose mentality is still in the past century, falls madly in love with Eunice Park, a young Korean-American struggling with materialism and the pressures of her traditional Korean family. The chapters alternate between profuse diary entries from the old-fashioned Lenny and Eunice's biting e-mail correspondence on her "GlobalTeens" account. In the background of what appears to be a love story that oscillates between superficiality and despair, a grim political situation unravels. America is on the brink of economic collapse, threatened by its Chinese creditors. In the meantime, the totalitarian Bipartisan government's main mission is to encourage and promote consumerism while eliminating political dissidents.

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