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De Ghein, Luc: MPLS Fundamentals


De Ghein, Luc

MPLS Fundamentals

Издательство: Cisco Press
Переплет: ламинированный мягкий; 626 страниц; 2011 г.
ISBN: 978-1-58705-197-5; Формат: стандартный
Язык: русский
На сайте с 07.07.2012


A comprehensive introduction to all facets of MPLS theory and practice

Helps networking professionals choose the suitable MPLS application and design for their network
Provides MPLS theory and relates to basic IOS configuration examples
The Fundamentals Series from Cisco Press launches the basis to readers for understanding the purpose, application, and management of technologies

MPLS has emerged as the new networking layer for service providers throughout the world. For many service providers and enterprises MPLS is a way of delivering new applications on their IP networks, while consolidating data and voice networks. MPLS has grown to be the new default network layer for service providers and is finding its way into enterprise networks as well. This book focuses on the building blocks of MPLS (architecture, forwarding packets, LDP, MPLS and QoS, CEF, etc.). This book also reviews the different MPLS applications (MPLS VPN, MPLS Traffic Engineering, Carrying IPv6 over MPLS, AToM, VPLS, MPLS OAM etc.).
You will get a comprehensive overview of all the aspects of MPLS, including the building blocks, its applications, troubleshooting and a perspective on the future of MPLS.

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