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ред. Speare, M. Edmund

A Pocket Book of Short Stories

Издательство: A Wasington Square Press Book
Переплет: ламинированный мягкий; 338 страниц; 1967 г.
ISBN: [не указан]; Формат: уменьшенный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 05.08.2011


Twenty-two stories, long and short, serious and grave, light and humorous, poignant tales of love, and stories of the bizarre, the horrible, the unusual, are gathered here from twenty-two masters of the short-story art. This is an unusually representative collection from the works of the world's greatest story-tellers. Three Nobel Prize-Winners are represented here: Thomas Mann, Anatole France, and Ivan Bunin. Katherine Mansfield, Somerset Maugham, Saki, W.W. Jacobs and Stevenson are among the English masters included. From Americans are some of the finest stories of Ernest Hemingway, Willa Cather, Stephen Vincent Benet, Sherwood Anderson, Ring Lardner, Dorothy Parker, and of an earlier period, Twain, Harte, O. Henry, and Poe. For contrast and variety there are Masterpieces from Tolstoi, Chekov, de Maupassant, and Balzac.

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