The story centers on the impending death of the Messina Spartans' football coach Eddie Rake. One of the most victorious coaches in high school football history, Rake is a man both loved and feared by his players and by a town that relishes his 13 state titles. The hero of the novel is Neely Crenshaw, a former Rake All-American whose NFL prospects ended abruptly after a cheap shot to the knees. Neely has returned home for the first time in years to join a nightly vigil for Rake at the Messina stadium. Having wandered through life with little focus since his college days, he struggles to reconcile his conflicted feelings towards his former coach, and he assays to rekindle love in the ex-girlfriend he abandoned long ago. For Messina and for Neely, the homecoming offers the prospect of building a life after Rake.
История о полузащитнике, который вернулся в родной город, чтобы похоронить "великого и ужасного" тренера Эдди Рейка. Это история о том, как человек сталкивается с неизбежной необходимостью еще раз перевернуть все прошлое, понять, ненавидел ли ты человека, который сделал для тебя многое, или любил. Это история взаимоотношений, дружбы и спортивного характера.
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