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Каталог: Наука, образование »•» Психология

Joyce, Vedral L Phd: Get Rid of Him


Joyce, Vedral L Phd

Get Rid of Him

Издательство: Warner Books
Переплет: мягкий; 320 страниц; 1994 г.
ISBN: 0-446-39544-7; Формат: стандартный
Язык: английский
На сайте с 30.05.2008


Contents: Get rid of him if you are on the begging end. Get rid of him if he won't "let" you. Get rid of him if he is jealous of you or does not empower you. Get rid of him if he is not on the mainland (he has too many psychological problems). Het rid of him if he cheats on you and has a double standard. Get rid of him if you can't stand to go to bed with him. Get rid of him if you are staying only for the money, the security, or the children. Get rid of him if he is married to someone else.Get rid of him if he abuses you - physically, verbally, or emotionally. Oh, what a catch. Who is over the hill? Fifteen ways to leave your lover. Try a simple prayer of faith. "Believe it or not, this is not a man-bashing book. Instead, it is a book that asks you to stop waisting your time blaming him for what is wrong and, instead, do what you have the power to do about it - walk out. This is not a book about codependency. If you are a male reader, this book will help you to avoid pitfalls in future relationships. Hundreds of women told their stories.

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