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Roach, Geshe Michael: The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги) 
состояние: как новое 15000 руб
Roach, Geshe Michael
The Tibetan Book of Yoga (Тибетская книга йоги)
2004 г.; Изд-во: Doubleday
Yoga came to Tibet from India more than a thousand years ago, and it was quickly absorbed into the culture's rich traditions. In this small book readers will discover Heart Yoga, which developed over the centuries in the Gelukpa tradition of the Dalai ...

Kotov, Alexander; Koblenz, Alexander: Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik 
состояние: хорошее 250 руб
Kotov, Alexander; Koblenz, Alexander
Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik. В 2 томах
1972 г.; Изд-во: Berlin: Sportverlag
Das Lehrbuch der Schachtaktik ist dem Kombinationsspiel gewidmet. Im vorliegenden 1 Band macht der russische Internationale Grossmeister Alexander Kotow den Leser mit den verschiedensten Kombinationstypen bekannt (Mattkombinationen: Grundreihenmatt, di...

Кмох, Ганс: Jubilarni vedjunarodni veleturnir, Bled 1961 
состояние: хорошее 1200 руб
Кмох, Ганс
Jubilarni vedjunarodni veleturnir, Bled 1961
1962 г.; Изд-во: Ljubljana
На югославском языке.

Sri, Rudrabhayananda: The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini 
состояние: отличное 1300 руб
Sri, Rudrabhayananda
The Hidden Mysteries of Kundalini
2010 г.; Изд-во: India: B. Jain Publishers
This book explains everything you would want to know about Kundalini, the chakras and nadis. For those already familiar with the subject, it is a good summary of the entire Kunalini system and philosophy. The author also includes the metaphysical and c...

Marieb, Elaine: Human Anatomy & Physiology 
состояние: хорошее бесплатно
Marieb, Elaine
Human Anatomy & Physiology
2001 г.; Изд-во: Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company
From the Back Cover Elaine Marieb's engaging writing style and meticulous attention to the learning needs of readers continue to be hallmarks of this market-leading book. The author not only reports the latest research and advancements in the field, s...

Brewer, Sarah Dr: The Human Body: A Visual Guide to Human Anatomy 
состояние: как новое 3000 руб
Brewer, Sarah Dr
The Human Body: A Visual Guide to Human Anatomy
2011 г.; Изд-во: Quercus
The Human Body provides a spectacular visual explanation of the human body and how it works. The book is organised according to different body systems. Expert text combined with superb cutting-edge imagery make The Human Body the definitive home refere...

Tierney, Kate: Anatomy & Physiology: 1,160 Multiple Choice Questions 
состояние: как новое 1100 руб
Tierney, Kate
Anatomy & Physiology: 1,160 Multiple Choice Questions
2013-2016 г.; Изд-во: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
This comprehensive revision aid is an invaluable learning and reference tool for all Anatomy and Physiology students, containing everything you need to help pass your exams. Having been fully revised in line with the latest specifications for all major...

состояние: хорошее 100 руб
Zebroff, K.
Yoga fuer Jeden
1976 г.; Изд-во: Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch

состояние: как новое 250 руб
Doerfler, H.-P.; Roselt, G.
Heilpfanzen gestern und heute
1984 г.; Изд-во: Leipzig.Jena.Berlin: Urania

состояние: новое 250 руб
Chevallier, A.
2010-2013 г.; Изд-во: DK

состояние: отличное 1000 руб
Negyesy, Gyorgy; Hegyi, Jozsef
Combination in Chess
1970 г.; Изд-во: Budapest: Corvina Press
Книга венгерских мастеров посвящена комбинациям в шахматах.

Dominy, Eric: Self Defence 
состояние: хорошее 500 руб
Dominy, Eric
Self Defence
1957 г.; Изд-во: Great Britain: Hodder and Stoughton
Учебник самозащиты. 22 главы приемов самбо И дзюдо с описанием и рисунками приемов.

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