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состояние: хорошее 1000 руб
Dresden, M.
H. A. Kramers. Between tradition and revolution
1987 г.; Изд-во: Springer-Verlag

состояние: хорошее 500 руб
Hankins, T.L.
Sir William Rowan Hamilton
1980 г.; Изд-во: The Johns Hopkins Press

Фейнман, Ричард; Feynman, Richard P.: Surely You re Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character 
состояние: отличное 225 руб
Фейнман, Ричард; Feynman, Richard P.
Surely You re Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
1997 г.; Изд-во: NY: W.W. Norton & Co Inc
Richard Feynman, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, thrived on outrageous adventures. Here he recounts in his inimitable voice his experience trading ideas on atomic physics with Einstein and Bohr and ideas on gambling with Nick the Greek; cracking ...

Фейнман, Ричард; Feynman, Richard P.: What Do You Care What Other People Think? 
состояние: как новое 250 руб
Фейнман, Ричард; Feynman, Richard P.
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
2007 г.; Изд-во: London: Penguin Books
Полное название: "What Do You Care What Other People Think?": Further Adventures of a Curious Character Richard Feynman - Nobel Laureate, teacher, icon and genius - possessed an unquenchable thirst for adventure and an unparalleled gift for telling ...

состояние: отличное 1200 руб
Jullien, P.M.
Problemes De Mecanique Rationnelle / Проблемы теоретической механики. В 2 томах
1866-1867 г.; Изд-во: P.: Gauthier-Villars, Imprimeur-Libraire

Fuhrmann, Arwed: Aufgaben aus der Analytischen Mechanik 
состояние: отличное 900 руб
Fuhrmann, Arwed
Aufgaben aus der Analytischen Mechanik. В 2 томах
1871 г.; Изд-во: Leipzig: B. G. Teubner
Задачи по аналитической механике в 2 частях. Шрифт НЕ готический. Часть 2: Задачи по аналитической динамике твердых тел (251 задача). Формат книг 15 х 22,5 см.

состояние: приемлемое 60 руб
Цесевич, В.
Бесіди про Всесвіт
1963 г.; Изд-во: К.: Молодь

ред. Sagdeev, R.Z.: Nonlinear phenomena in plasma physics and hydrodynamics 
состояние: отличное 1000 руб
ред. Sagdeev, R.Z.
Nonlinear phenomena in plasma physics and hydrodynamics
Серия: Physics series
1986 г.; Изд-во: Mir Publishers

Quang, Ho-Kim; Pham, Xuan-Yem: Elementary Particles and Their Interactions. Concepts and Phenomena 
состояние: как новое 2000 руб
Quang, Ho-Kim; Pham, Xuan-Yem
Elementary Particles and Their Interactions. Concepts and Phenomena
1998 г.; Изд-во: Springer-Verlag Berlin
Concepts and Phenomena presents a well-written and thorough introduction to this field at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level. Students familiar with quantum mechanics, special relativity and classical electrodynamics will find easy access to...

Greiner, Walter: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 
состояние: как новое 4500 руб
Greiner, Walter
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
2000 г.; Изд-во: Springer-Verlag Berlin
More than a generation of Gennan-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty of modern theoretical physics - with mathematics, the most fundamental of sciences - using Walter Gre...

Greiner, Walter; Reinhardt, Joachim: Quantum Electrodynamics 
состояние: как новое 4500 руб
Greiner, Walter; Reinhardt, Joachim
Quantum Electrodynamics
2009 г.; Изд-во: Springer-Verlag Berlin
We are pleased by the positive resonance of our book which now necessitates a fourth edition. We have used this opportunity to implement corrections of misprints and amendments at several places, and to extend and improve the discussion of many of the ...

Berliner, Arnold: Lehrbuch der physik 
состояние: хорошее 700 руб
Berliner, Arnold
Lehrbuch der physik
1924 г.; Изд-во: Berlin

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